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button assignment

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:32 pm
by naf125

I am using FS Force now with P3D and Windwos 10. I have used FS Force with FSX and Windows 7 with no problems. But I now encounter a joystick button assignment at my Saitec Evo Force at button 4 (trim up). However I use this jockstick button assigment for my FS2Crew commands. I have no clue how to change this jockstick button assignment. Any help would be fine.


Re: button assignment

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:40 am
by RussDirks
Hi Peter,

There is a bug in P3D v3 which causes the internal joystick number to be unpredictable. This impacts the commands that you use in fsforce.cfg to assign button numbers, for example:

Code: Select all

With earlier versions, you would determine the joystick number by looking in the Windows USB Controller dialog, where the first controller in the list would be number 0. With P3D v3 that is not guaranteed to work. You basically have to determine the joystick number by trial and error. Start with 0 and work your way up until it works the way you want it to. If you unplug the controllers, and then plug them back in a different order, or into different USB ports, the joystick number might change, and you will have to go through the process again.

I have started a thread regarding this issue on the LM forums. I would encourage you to post a "me too" addition to that thread. The more people that report this, the more likely it is they will do something about it.

Re: button assignment

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:20 am
by naf125
Ok, thanks. Then I will start and try. With the trial and error fix it.

And added my comment in the other forum.

Re: button assignment

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 1:58 am
by Terrydew
Could Fsforce have an option to use the letter assignments that Fsuipc provides? With that it wouldn't matter which controller was which number. I for one would pay for such an option.


Re: button assignment

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:13 pm
by naf125
RussDirks wrote:Hi Peter,

There is a bug in P3D v3 which causes the internal joystick number to be unpredictable. This impacts the commands that you use in fsforce.cfg to assign button numbers, for example:

Code: Select all

I don't find these lines in cfg file. Where do I put these lines?

Re: button assignment

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 4:29 am
by RussDirks
Those commands go in the [General] section. If they are missing, they will default to the values I indicated. I would recommend reading through the Getting Started section, especially Step 3.